Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's not justice

South Carolina Court of Appeal says Legitimate Exercise of Police Power Not a Taking. But the police drove a buldozer into the convenience store causing damage. Presumably they did this because it was an easier way for them to do thier job (save the hostage and arrest the criminal) than the alternatives. They did it for their own advantage.

There are other possibilities, but I don't like to think they are possible for any police force: that they were just yahoos who found an excuse to have fun with a bulldozer or that they actually thought that driving a bulldozer into a building minimized risk and harm to all concerned. It's hard to imagine any sensible person thinking that driving a bulldozer through a building is the best way to keep a potentially agitated criminal calm and rational or to ensure that in a moment of fear or excitement such criminal doesn't rashly harm the hostage. Maybe if theyy went to the George W. Bush school of diplomacy - "shock and awe", "shock and awe".  Collateral dammage? Can't be helped?

I don't know what it is when the police can cause wanton destruction without liability but it sure isn't justice.

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