Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The rhgb program (Red Hat Graphical Boot) displays messages from the boot scripts on an X Server display. There is no man page or other documentation installed with this program but it seems to be a standard part of Red Hat installations.

The rhgb program is run if the boot parameters include rhgb. If you don't like rhgb remove this parameter from your boot parameter list (grub, lilo or whatever you use). You should then get all your boot messages appearing on a simple text display.

There is no option to provide a detailed display by default. You can edit the boot scripts to force a detailed display, but rhgb will sometime make up its own mind and switch the display anyway - like when some script takes longer than 10 seconds to complete. So, unless you pepper your init scripts with "rhgb-client --details=yes", you won't necessarily see the details.

Starting the X Server just takes more time when all you really want to do is boot.

Displaying the text from the boot scripts in a graphical display really doesn't add any value to the boot process. Maybe some people find it more "friendly" because it hides "intimidating" messages. My advice is to turn it off.

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