Friday, June 26, 2009

Philips MCD708 Micro Theatre demo mode

If you have a Philips MCD708 Micro Theatre stuck in demo mode, you can turn off demo mode by setting the unit to standby mode (pressing STANDBY-ON on the unit or remote) then pressing "PRESET -" in the unit. While the unit is in standby, pressing "PRESET -" toggles it between DEMO ON and DEMO OFF.

You can turn demo mode off from the remote also, but only if TUNER is selected, not if DVD or AUX are selected. Turn the system on, select TUNER then turn the unit to STANDBY, then press the "CH -" button on the remote.

Because Philips left this information out of the manual and has nothing about this issue on-line where Google can find it, I wasted several hours pressing buttons until I happened upon the magic combination. If I could, I would return this poorly documented product and get my money back to buy something else. I will be reluctant to buy anything else from Philips.


  1. Do you happen to know where I might be able to find the 34 pin for this model and a power cord? Do you need them both in order to run the unit?
    I was given one with out the cords trying to find them...

  2. Do you happen to know where I might be able to find the 34 pin for this model and a power cord? Do you need them both in order to run the unit?
    I was given one with out the cords trying to find them...

  3. Thanks heaps for this - I was going crazy (er) with the damn thing flashing LEDS and display scrolling!
