Friday, June 21, 2024

ECMAScript module equivalent of CommonJS module usage: const x = require('myModule')(options);

A common, concise idiom of CommonJS modules that export factory functions is:

const instance = import('myModule')(myOptions);

This is concise and minimizes consumption of the name space.

With ECMAScript modules and the import declaration, the same or similar is not possible because the import declaration is not an expression that returns a value and it must be at the top level of the module: they cannot be within a block or function, including an immediately invoked function expression (IIFE).

Assuming the module in question exports a factory function as its default export, then the nearest equivalent would be something like:

import myFactory from 'myModule';

const instance = myFactory(myOptions);

If a named export the something like:

import { exportName as myFactory } from 'myModule';

const instance = myFactory(myOptions);

This is a little less concise: two lines of code instead of one, and an additional name consumed in the module name space. But otherwise gives the same result.

Something more equivalent is possible with the dynamic import keyword. This is function-like and can occur within a function, including an IIFE.

const instance = (await import('myModule')).default(myOptions);

This is only a little less concise than the CommonJS syntax. Similar construct is possible with named exports, by simply replacing 'default' with the name of the named export.

Using dynamic import keyword instead of the import declaration, one gives up the static analysis made possible by the import declaration, and there may be other benefits of the declaration over the keyword.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

JavaScript testing with Tape

 I mostly use tape for testing my JavaScript packages. Today I was updating dependencies and update of tape was among them.

The link from to GitHub was broken, yielding a 404 page. So I logged an issue and within a few minutes the links were fixed.

So, the GitHub repository for tape has moved to but all is well. Jordan is still actively maintaining the package.

It remains my favourite test package for JavaScript.

First release from the current repository was Nov 26, 2012. Well over a decade ago. It is good to see that it is still maintained and with attention to backwards compatibility.

Thus far, all my packages are CommonJS.

For linting, I use eslint with configuration @ig3/eslint-config-entrain

For coverage, I use c8.

For test runner I use multi-tape. Pending an update of multi-tape dependencies, I have published @ig3/multi-tape.

Typical test script is: "eslint . && multi-tape test/*.js"

@ig3/eslint-config-entrain is based on neostandard and eslint version 9. Typical eslint.config.js is:


'use strict';

const eslintConfigEntrain = require('@ig3/eslint-config-entrain');

module.exports = [

Or sometimes something like:

'use strict';

const eslintConfigEntrain = require('@ig3/eslint-config-entrain');

module.exports = [
    ignores: ['public/js/**'],

Setup is:

$ npm install -D @ig3/eslint-config-entrain c8 tape multi-tape

 Change the test script to:

"eslint . && c8 multi-tape test/*.js"

 And create eslint.config.js as above.

