The function __construct is executed by PHP when an object is instantiated, if it exists, but function _construct is not. To PHP there is nothing special about _construct.
Initialization in Magento seems to be quite variable. Many classes define __construct. Many, but not all of these, execute parent::__construct - some before and some after local initialization.
In a few cases, __construct ends with $self->_construct(). The Varien_Object class is an example. In these cases, sub-classes can define _construct, in which case the parent's __construct will run and the sub-class's _construct will be run.
Class Varien_Object defines function _construct with the following comment:
* Internal constructor not depended on params. Can be used for object initialization
Only a few of the sub-classes of Varien_Object define function _construct. I haven't reviewed them exhaustively, but a significant majority of those I reviewed did not define function _construct.
Class Mage_Core_Block_Abstract also defines function __construct to execute $self->_construct(), and defines function _construct with the comment:
/**At least in this case there is a clear preference stated regarding __construct, but still not rationale.
* Internal constructor, that is called from real constructor
* Please override this one instead of overriding real __construct constructor
On the other hand, at least one sub-class of Varien_Object (Mage_Core_Model_Email) defines function __construct and does not execute parent::__construct(). Nor does function __construct in class Mage_Core_Model_Email do the equivalent of function __construct in class Varien_Object. So, the function __construct in class Varien_Object is not always executed in sub-classes of Varien_Object.
Sub-classes defining __construct and executing parent::__construct() seems to be the most common. It is hard to imagine any advantage of using function _construct(), as with Varien_Object. It has been suggested that it makes it less likely to forget to execute parent::__construct(), but this hardly seems likely. One would have to remember to define function _construct rather than function __construct. If one can remember this, then surely one can remember to execute parent::__construct(). It would be a more credible explanation if the use of function _construct were common: it might become habitual or one were not otherwise familiar with PHP. But in fact, classes using function _construct are uncommon. The vast majority of __construct functions do not execute $self->_construct().
Keep in mind that if a sub-class of a class that defines function __construct to execute $self->_construct() defines function _construct and a sub-class of that sub-class also defines function _construct, then when the root class executes $self->_construct, only that in the sub-sub-class will be executed: the function _construct of the intermediate class will not be executed, unless the sub-sub-class executes parent::_construct().
I haven't reviewed the classes of Magento exhaustively, but I have reviewed a significant number and thus far have seen only one (Mage_Core_Block_Template) where function _construct executes parent::_construct().
If sub-sub-classes are going to execute parent::_construct(), it seems to me that it would be simpler to simply use __construct and parent::construct() in the way that would be obvious to any PHP programmer, and do away with function _construct. But that's just my opinion.
In summary, in a few classes function __construct executes $self->_construct() and some sub-classes of these classes define function _construct rather than function __construct. I know neither the motivation nor the benefit of this, particularly as it is so uncommon. It is certainly not the norm in Magento. There has been some discussion on the Magento forums, but no explanation from a core team developer that I have seen.