Monday, August 6, 2012

jquery 1.7.1 and IE8

jQuery 1.7.1 running on IE8 fails when trying to call the focus method on elements while opening jQuery UI dialog.

In  jquery-1.7.1.js, function jQuery.event.trigger (a method of jQuery.event) begins with:

    trigger: function( event, data, elem, onlyHandlers ) {

        // Don't do events on text and comment nodes

        if ( elem && (elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8) ) {


and ends with

            // Call a native DOM method on the target with the same name name as the event.
            // Can't use an .isFunction() check here because IE6/7 fails that test.
            // Don't do default actions on window, that's where global variables be (#6170)
            // IE<9 dies on focus/blur to hidden element (#1486)
            if ( ontype && elem[ type ] && ((type !== "focus" && type !== "blur") || !== 0) && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
                // Don't re-trigger an onFOO event when we call its FOO() method
                old = elem[ ontype ];

                if ( old ) {
                    elem[ ontype ] = null;

                // Prevent re-triggering of the same event, since we already bubbled it above
                jQuery.event.triggered = type;
                elem[ type ]();
                jQuery.event.triggered = undefined;

                if ( old ) {
                    elem[ ontype ] = old;
    return event.result;

In the last bit, change

elem[ type ]();
try {
     elem[ type ]();
} catch(err) {
     // ignore errors
 With this change the dialog opens successfully.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Android SDK Manager missing platform versions

When I first installed the Android SDK I only installed Android 4.0.3 (API 15), which was current at the time. Later I wanted to test against Android 2.2, so I returned to the Android SDK Manager to find that Android 4.0.3 was the only platform version listed. There were also Android 8 and Android 10, but these didn't include the SDK Platform and couldn't be installed.

I googled for a couple of hours and all the advice was the same, install Android 2.2 (API 8). But how does one install it when it isn't in the list of packages to be installed?

I had restarted Android SDK Manager several times and, as I am running on Windows 7, I had been careful to right-click and run as root but this made no difference.

Finally, in desparation, I shut down Windows and re-booted. After this, I started Android SDK Manager (right-click and run as administrator), and the packages list now had a full assortment of platform versions, including Android 2.2 (API 8).

And the lesson is: Android SDK Manager and/or Windows 7 are flakey. Before wasting time researching problems, try a reboot. It may save you hours with Google and reading feedback to instructions for newbs.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why is Windows so slow?

This is just venting.

I often have to transfer files to remote Microsoft Windows servers, connected via VPN and RDP. My broadband connection is a bit slow - my uplink speed is often only 500-700kbps and sometimes only 200-300kbps, though rarely worse than that.

If I zip the source folder, which takes less than 5 seconds, I can copy it to the remote system in about 3 seconds and unzipping to the destination is sub-second. A total of about 30 seconds, including opening explorer, navigating to the source and destination folder, etc.

If I copy and paste the folder using Microsoft Windows explorer functions, it takes 5 to 15 minutes to transfer the same data. It takes a minute or more to complete the copy, traversing the few directories to find the few hundred files. Then many minutes to paste the files to the target on the remote server. The uncompressed data is less than 5 times the size of the zip file so even if RDP doesn't compress data through the pipe it doesn't come close the explaining the performance difference.

I can't imagine what nonsense Microsoft Windows Explorer is doing that it takes so long to copy then so much longer to paste a few files. Certainly not anything of any benefit to me. And certainly not anything necessary, given the few seconds it takes to transfer the files in the form of a zip file.

Friday, June 29, 2012

More or Less

More or Less: Democracy and New Media is a thought provoking essay covering a variety of current social issues. Well worth the time to read it.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

A dark day for democracy

Information is power and the root of democracy. There are many in the world who would deny information to the masses and only a few who vigorously defend and support the natural right to information of all people. Without unfettered information for the masses there is no democracy and without democracy there is no reasonable chance or hope for justice.

Today the BBC reported that Julian Assange has been served with an extradition notice. He is now one step closer to being silenced.  He is one of the most effective defenders of democracy in recent times. He will, very likely, soon be in the hands of the US industrial/military complex where, I expect, his prospects for natrual justice, freedom or even survival are slim.

My condolences to Julian Assange. You should be hailed a hero of the free world, not condemned and persecuted. Thank you for what you have done and good luck to you.

It is a dark day for democracy.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sidestreet Reny

I just got all SSR's "unreleased" CDs - they're great! You should check them out on YouTube.

Check out Brooklyn, or SSR Featured Videos.

He has music with a message for young people.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


It has been on my mind the past few years that the U.S.A has lost its moral compas and credibility, at least with me. Today, for entirely other reasons and in response to a very different argument, it occurred to me that:

Without morality there is no justice, without justice there is no hope, without hope there is no incentive to work, without incentive to work there is no production and no innovation, without which there's less wealth.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

An incredible lack of common sense

The "Twitter bomb hoax" is a case that leaves me at a complete loss to comprehend what is expected or what the law means. English is my native tounge and I am at least moderately well educated and, I like to think, at least moderately successfully - at least average. Yet the decisions of the police and prosecutors and courts make it painfully obvious (it does pain me to consider the implications of the decisions) that the law does not mean anything like what I would have thought it to mean from my reading of it. But I am not a lawyer, judge, policeman or legislator. I can only assume I am as ignorant as a babe in the woods of the meaning of the English language, or that the law is not written in English, but rather in some arcane language that bears a merely superficial and misleading resemblance to English - but with completely different meaning.

I am also unable to understand why The Telegraph would re-iterate the assertion that the tweet contained a threat at all, let alone a threat to blow up an airport. Clearly, to me, the message was an expression of frustration in culturally normal terms, however much the authorities might wish otherwise. I can't see in the message that was sent any evidence that the sender intended to make anyone believe there was or would be a bomb or anything liable to explode anywhere. I can't see in the message any false statement - how can an expression of frustration be a false statement? It would make as much and as little sense to me to claim that the expression "bloody hell!" is a false statement that prima facie proves the intent to make the recipient believe that there is or will be a bomb or anything likely to explode somewhere or anywhere or everywhere - for surely it would take a bloody big bomb to bloody hell from anywhere here on earth and surely the sender of any message containing such expression would know that there is no bomb that could bloody hell and that the statement is, therefore, a false one. Yet I suppose there is someone who might believe there could be such a bomb and therefore be induced to believe there is such a bomb. But this still leaves intent. Can there be a threat in a communication where there is no intent to threaten? I might be persuaded there can be, though at the moment I am inclined to think not - there could be a misunderstanding but not a threat, I believe.

And, for the same reasons, I can't understand why the police or the courts, given the finacial crisis the world continues to suffer, and the daily suffering, illness and starvation of hundreds of thousands of people, and the violent crimes that go un-solved and criminals that go un-caught and un-punished, would consider this case worth pursuing, an effective expenditure of resources or in the public interest in any way. How did I become so ignorant and incomprehending? I didn't seem to be so in days gone by.

I can't understand the outcome as anything but a gross misscarriage of justice. One poor soul's carreer destroyed by the efforts of some in authority to send a message to the public is what it appears to be to me. A message that could have been sent without harming anyone, I am reasonably certain.

But, perhaps it is all good and just and I am simply too ignorant of the relevant facts or too stupid to comprehend the case rightly.

It does make me wonder if anyone among the authorities has ever turned on a television or radio, or walked the streets to become familiar with how ordinary people behave.

It does make me wonder if I have lost my mind. They say dementia creeps up on one - nibbling away at one's faculties slowly but surely, leaving one at the same time with diminished faculties and no awareness of the diminishment, until one, one day, one stumbles on evidence that something is amiss. Surely something is amiss here. I hope it's not me, after all, but for the sake of the other 7 billion on the planet I rather hope it is me after all. I would rather me demented than 7 billion suffering injustice and oppression.

It seems more likely to me that, if the fellow was serious in his message at all, that what he meant was that he would huff and he would puff, much like the big bad wolfe, but in order to get the planes up in the sky where they belong - carrying passengers on their way. Isn't that more likely than a bomb threat?

While I would agree that it is in the public interest to make people aware and mindiful of how they express themselves and to persuade them to avoid expressions which might be misunderstood by reasonable people (there is always some overly sensitive person who is scared or offended by anything and everything) as a threat or offensive, I don't understand how ending this person's career and giving them a criminal record achieved anything of value at all, to anyone, let alone achived anyting in the public interest. A stern lecture and a note on file such that repetition of the undesired behaviour can be detected and dealt with appropriately might have been in the public interest, but I can't imagine any value in anything more punitive than that.

Maybe a more understandable outcome would be reached if the case were re-heard by a jury rather than three high court judges. More likely, and I hope, I have lost my mind and have no more common sense with which to perceive the justice in what has happened.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's not justice

South Carolina Court of Appeal says Legitimate Exercise of Police Power Not a Taking. But the police drove a buldozer into the convenience store causing damage. Presumably they did this because it was an easier way for them to do thier job (save the hostage and arrest the criminal) than the alternatives. They did it for their own advantage.

There are other possibilities, but I don't like to think they are possible for any police force: that they were just yahoos who found an excuse to have fun with a bulldozer or that they actually thought that driving a bulldozer into a building minimized risk and harm to all concerned. It's hard to imagine any sensible person thinking that driving a bulldozer through a building is the best way to keep a potentially agitated criminal calm and rational or to ensure that in a moment of fear or excitement such criminal doesn't rashly harm the hostage. Maybe if theyy went to the George W. Bush school of diplomacy - "shock and awe", "shock and awe".  Collateral dammage? Can't be helped?

I don't know what it is when the police can cause wanton destruction without liability but it sure isn't justice.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Global Democracy

As the US extends its authority around the globe, through its military, treaties, diplomacy, lobbying and extradition of foreigners from their native countries and residences to the US, to be prosecuted, convicted and incarcerated as foreigners, without any of the protections US citizens enjoy, in US courts and prisons, it is time, again, to question the fundamentals of democracy.

The US population is now less than 320 Million people. The global population is now more than 6.8 Billion people. Thus the US population is less than 5% of the global population.

The US population alone elects the US government, which decides what are the US laws and where to send the US military: who to incarcerate and who to kill. Thus over 95% of the global population are subject to US military force and US law, without any representation in US government or any significant influence on US government policy or law.

There are, yet, some jurisdictions where the supremacy of US law and military are incomplete but every year their reach and power grows.

Now, in most western countries, one can be a fully law abiding citizen, never having broken any law of ones place of birth and country of residence and citizenship and never having been to the US, yet be extradited to the US to be prosecuted, convicted and incarcerated according to US standards for foreigners. This is the result of extradition treaties which these countries have entered into, at the insistance of the US and then progressively, quietly, incrementally modified to facilitate extradition to the US.

If the US president, in his sole discretion, unilaterally declares anyone in the world to be an enemy combatant, then that person has almost no protection, no matter how innocent they may be.

95% of the world's population has absolutely no democratic rights in the most powerful country in the world - the country that, increasingly, imposes itself, unilaterally, on everyone. Is this the democracy that the US trumpets and holds so dear?

Is it time to establish a global democracy? One which gives democratic rights to everyone in the world? One which enfranchises and protects everyone, regardless of their place of birth, residency, citizenship, race, religion, culture, gender, age or other basis of prejudice? One which both ensures the rule of law and ensures that everyone is enfranchised to formulate that law through a democratic process untained by corruption or undue influence of any elite?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What if...

the people that would solve all our problems, by developing new science and understanding of ourselves and our environment, were never born because of concern about lack of resources, environmental deterioration, population explosion and overshoot?

Surely the way to ensure our saviours are born is to have babies: the more the merrier.

Is there any other way?

The end...

This movie is long and depressing, but worth watching: Life at the End of Empire

There is more: the What a Way to Go Movie

But, I think, it is already too late. We are Wile E. Coyotee, hovering over the abyss, just beginning to look at our situation. But we have taken our whole world with us and we will all fall together.

There are enough people to whom others and the world are merely resources, with enough power and determination to perpetuate their privilege as long as possible, that there is no hope of a soft landing - the end has come. Yet, for a little longer, I live in interesting times.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sidestreet Reny

I just stumbled on Sidestreet Reny today while hopping about on YouTube. Listened to a few tracks and really liking his style...

Early In The Morning

Monday, March 5, 2012

Forcing CGI::Session to create a new session

Older documentation for CGI::Session, including top ranked by Google, says:

Requires three arguments. First is the Data Source Name, second should be the session id to be initialized or an object which provides either of 'param()' or 'cookie()' mehods. If Data Source Name is undef, it will fall back to default values, which are "driver:File;serializer:Default;id:MD5".
If session id is missing, it will force the library to generate a new session id, which will be accessible through id() method.
In CGI::Session version 4.48, this isn't correct. If SID is not defined (not passed or explicitly passed as undef) then module CGI is required and a new query object is created by calling CGI->new(). This session is then searched for a cookie or parameter that defines the session ID. If a session ID is found, then this session is loaded, even if it is an old session and even though the documentation says a "new" session will be generated.

In fact this behaviour (bug, in my opinion) has been known since 2009: see Bug 44994

The current documentation for CGI::Session is different. It quite clearly indicates that CGI is used and that setting the second argument to 'new' does not necessarily ensure a new session. But I didn't see guidance on how to get a new session when required either - maybe it's there somewhere, I didn't look very hard. In case it's not there, or not easy to find, the following works:

To force a new session, it is necessary to ensure CGI cannot return a session ID or pass something other than undef as the second parameter to CGI::Session->new() - something that will not be loaded as a session. If the requested session cannot be loaded then an empty session will be returned.

For example, an empty string could be passed instead of undef.

CGI::Session->new(undef, '', HASHREF);

As suggested in the bug report. Or, any other value that is defined and will never match an actual session ID. I repfer:

CGI::Session->new(undef, 'FORCE NEW SESSION', HASHREF);

That makes it clear what is intended. Hopefully no future changes will break this: it is, after all, rather undocumented behaviour.

Friday, February 24, 2012

CGI, Spreadsheet::XLSX and Archive::Zip on Windows 7

I wanted to use Spreadsheet::XLSX to open a spreadsheet uploaded to a web server / CGI program running on Windows 7. On the face of it, it's easy - the CGI module returns a file handle to the uploaded file and Spreadsheet::XLSX accepts a file handle to the file to be opened. But all I got back were errors.

After quick investigation, I discovered that Archive::Zip was rejecting the file handles as not seekable. So, I tried providing different file handles. I tried converting the lightweight file handle from CGI to one compatible with IO::Handle (per the docs). I tried slurping the file into a scalar and creating a file handle from the scalar, using IO::Handle, File::Handle and open. Nothing worked.

So I had another look at Archive::Zip and, in particular the _isSeekable subroutine. No doubt the sub is the way it is for good reasons, but I couldn't understand why it was the way it was and there was not much explanation, beyond notes of some cases that claim to work but don't (or, perhaps, didn't).

One of my programming principles is to simply do what is to be done and deal with errors if and as they occur, rather than running tests to determine whether what is to be done will succeed and not try if success seems unlikely. The test might suggest failure when the operation would succeed (the case I am dealing with here) or they might suggest success when the operation will fail. Because of the latter case, it is necessary to detect and handle errors despite the test and if errors are detected and handled appropriately when they happen there is realitvely little value and some cost in running an unreliable (more or less) test first. The only justification for using an unreliable test up-front is if the actual failed operation is significantly expensive (time, CPU, memory or whatever the relevant resource might be) and the test is not. Very often this is not the case and the up front test is almost purly a disadvantage.

In this case, the tests being done concluded that a seekable file handle was not seekable, so Archive::Zip refused to open the archive. I knew the file handles I was passing were seekable: I tried seeking and it worked.

Rather than rewrite Archive::Zip to skip the test for seekability, which would have required a more thorough review and who knows how much rewrite, I rewrote the test. To me, it's simple: If you want to know if a file handle can seek, try seeking. If it works: it works!! If it fails, then seek doesn't work.

There are many ways to test whether seek is working. One is to simply trust its return status, but comments in the existing code suggest that some implementations are broken so badly that they return success when they have failed. A more robust test would require knowing the contents of the file in advance, seeking to specific locations, reading (I don't care about writing or alternating between reading and writing in this case) and getting expected data. But I didn't know the contents of the file. I could have tried seeking to a location then seeking back to that same location, re-reading and confirming that the same data was read. This would make the test more robust.

I simply called tell and seek on the file handle and checked that no errors were indicated and that reasonable results were returned. More thorough testing could be done, like checking that the same data is read whenever tell reports the same file position, but I haven't bothered.

I don't suggest at all that what I have written is a good, general solution to the problem for Archive::Zip. I have no idea what experience, no doubt time consuming and difficult, lead to the batter of tests and heuristics in _isSeekable. Nor do I care - what I have done works for my case.

If I were worried about (or experienced) more serious errors (die'ing) when trying to tell or seek, I would have wrapped the test in an eval block, but quick and dirty worked fine in this case.

In case this may be of some use to you, here is the diff:

psh.bat% diff -u /inetpub/xenwof/lib/Archive/
---      Tue Jun 30 06:51:10 2009
+++   Sat Feb 25 08:04:36 2012
@@ -379,28 +379,64 @@
 sub _isSeekable {
     my $fh = shift;
     return 0 unless ref $fh;
-    if ( _ISA($fh, 'IO::Scalar') ) {
-        # IO::Scalar objects are brokenly-seekable
-        return 0;
+#    IG 21 Feb 2012
+#    Try to make a better test for whether the filehandle is seekable
+#    as the current test (below) seems to give false negatives for
+#    file handles that are seekable.
+#    if ( _ISA($fh, 'IO::Scalar') ) {
+#        # IO::Scalar objects are brokenly-seekable
+#        return 0;
+#    }
+#    if ( _ISA($fh, 'IO::String') ) {
+#        return 1;
+#    }
+#    if ( _ISA($fh, 'IO::Seekable') ) {
+#        # Unfortunately, some things like FileHandle objects
+#        # return true for Seekable, but AREN'T!!!!!
+#        if ( _ISA($fh, 'FileHandle') ) {
+#            return 0;
+#        } else {
+#            return 1;
+#        }
+#    }
+#    if ( _CAN($fh, 'stat') ) {
+#        return -f $fh;
+#    }
+#    return (
+#        _CAN($fh, 'seek') and _CAN($fh, 'tell')
+#        ) ? 1 : 0;
+#        IG 21 Feb 2012
+#        What we want to be able to do is seek and tell on the
+#        file handle. Let's start with tell.
+    my $pos = tell($fh);
+    return 0 if($pos == -1);
+    # OK - tell works
+    # try seek
+    unless(seek($fh, $pos + 10, 0)) {
+        return 0;   # seek failed
-    if ( _ISA($fh, 'IO::String') ) {
-        return 1;
+    my $pos2 = tell($fh);
+    unless($pos2 == $pos + 10) {
+        return 0;   # No failure indication but wrong position
-    if ( _ISA($fh, 'IO::Seekable') ) {
-        # Unfortunately, some things like FileHandle objects
-        # return true for Seekable, but AREN'T!!!!!
-        if ( _ISA($fh, 'FileHandle') ) {
-            return 0;
-        } else {
-            return 1;
-        }
+    unless(seek($fh, $pos, 0)) {
+        return 0;   # it seems we can seek forward but not back
-    if ( _CAN($fh, 'stat') ) {
-        return -f $fh;
+    my $pos3 = tell($fh);
+    unless($pos3 == $pos) {
+        return 0;   # no failure indication but wrong position
-    return (
-        _CAN($fh, 'seek') and _CAN($fh, 'tell')
-        ) ? 1 : 0;
+    return 1;       # it works well enough for me

 # Print to the filehandle, while making sure the pesky Perl special global

Thursday, February 23, 2012


An interesting blog post on recycling

I'll have to read more of this blog when I have time...

Another day, another mood

Peter Garland has 36 videos on YouTube. I listened to many and enjoyed every one. Most have fewer than 50 views. So much talent goes unnoticed, while complete dross gets attention.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Inspiring guitar playing

I listened to these over and over again - beautiful and inspiring.

Baby Please Don't Go

I'm Taking Chances A Blues in E

Both by Kenny Wilson.

If my wildest dreams come true, I'll play like this some day.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

IIS7 FastCgiModule configuration

I won't be using FastCgiModule on IIS7. I had hoped to use it to run Perl scripts and, perhpas, avoid faults I have experienced with the CgiModule on IIS7 on Windows 7, but after several days searching and trying, I did not have any significant progress towards a working solution and had found no documentation from Microsoft that described how the module works or how to do anything with it other than run PHP, so I decided to cut my losses and stop the effort.

Instead, I will use Apache HTTP Server.

There are many examples of configuring IIS7 for FastCGI/PHP, but I am interested in Perl and, in particular, Strawberry Perl.

Enabling FastCGI in IIS7 is easy, just select the CGI feature.

I haven't found thorough documentation of the configuration of FastCGI from Microsoft. Maybe my searching or persistence are insufficient, but all I have seen from them is marketing, how to enable it and examples of configuration for PHP.

Many people have posted examples and instructions for configuration for specific purposes, but these generally present what to do without explaining why or how it works or what the alternatives are. Most of these I have found are for PHP or ActiveState Perl and mostly for older versions of the module and IIS.

One clue that at least got my toe in the water (i.e. enabled me to run perl with arguments) was this post on Catalyst. It showed the unusual (in my experience) feature of separating the executable from its arguments with a vertical bar rather than a space, as is done almost everywhere else. As usual with such examples, there was no explanation.

So, in the Executable field of the Edit Module Mapping window of IIS Manager for the FastCgiModule module, one can put:


Mysteriously, none of "%s%", %s% or %s get expanded in this context, as they do in the same field for the CgiModule. Obviously, the syntax and semantics of the Executable field are module specific.

So, I wonder what all the possibilities are and how they relate to the specific query being processed.

I wonder where Microsoft has documentation of their FastCGI feature, beyond how to enable it.

The Adding Handlers (add) page really should say more about how the text in the scriptProcessor attribute is parsed, what substitutions are done and how it is processed. If this is, as I suspect it is, module specific, then this should be stated and the documentation of the individual modules should provide details of what the module does with the attribute value.

The instructions at refer to C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\fcgiext.ini but there is no such file on my Windows7 system, even though I have the FastCgiModule module installed and configured and executing Perl script. Although this page lists IIS7, the configuration page says "coming soon" for IIS7. I note also that the FCGI::IIS module documentaiton says IIS7 is supported, and refers to the CosmicScripts site for configuration instructions.

The environment of the script I have running has a variable named _FCGI_X_PIPE. This is the only variable that appears to be relevant to FCGI. Searching Microsoft for references to this variable name, there are two Japanese article found and KB980363, which provides a brief description. There are only 17 hits searching MSDN, and they almost all give the same information. None of them describe how the interface works.

this post mentions where IIS7 keeps configuration of the FastCgiModule module: in applicationHost.config, along with other IIS configuration. That file exists on my Windows7 system with IIS7, and it does have some of my configuration for the FastCgiModule module, though it is hard to be sure it is all there.

After many hours of searching, I have found so little other than examples of how to configure for PHP that I am not inclined to pursue using IIS/FastCgiModule with Perl.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

gmusicbrowser on Windows7

This is a long ramble describing how I installed Perl modules Glib and Gtk2 on Strawberry Perl (This is perl 5, version 12, subversion 3 (v5.12.3) built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread) on Windows 7 Professional 64bit. I like gmusicbrowser and lately must use Windows on my laptop, but there is no binary distribution for Windows and it needs Glib and Gtk2 modules, which I didn't have installed, so...

There were many false starts and errors along the way. There seems to be some confusion about getting Glib and Gtk2 running on Windows. After all, what is required is not very complicated (or, I should say that others have done all the hard work and, while a simple 'cpan install Glib' and 'cpan install Gtk2' don't work, there isn't much that needs to be done in order to get it goind. I have edited out most of my failed attempts leaving, I hope, a fairely simple procedure including a few particularly relevant errors that might help others searching for solutions.

I already had Strawberry Perl installed.

Gmusicbrowser uses Glib and Gtk2 modules. These are not bundled with Strawberry Perl.

Various people suggest "ppm install Bundle::Gnome2" as an easy way to install Gtk2 on Windows. I tried that. It installed the module, but none of the modules it referenced. Maybe it works OK on ActiveState Perl but, despite various suggestions it works with Strawberry, it did nothing for me.

So I downloaded the "all-in-one" bundle of Gtk version 2.22 from and unzipped it to C:\GTK. Then edited Windows environment variables, adding C:\GTK\bin to PATH and setting LIB to 'C:\GTK\lib'.

Eventually, following a suggestion of Khen1950fx on PerlMonks, I began having some success installing Perl modules. I installed them in the order he recommended:

I installed each module with 'cpan install Module::Name' in a command prompt window, except where there were problems. A few of them were already installed, but most were new to my system.

All went well until the Cairo module. With this I had trouble because I had initially installed the 64bit version of the Gtk all-in-one bundle (I have 64bit Windows). The linker failed to link against the 64bit library, reporting many undefined symbols. I removed the 64bit bundle and installed the 32bit bundle, after which the Cairo module built without problems. Thanks to Mithaldu and TonyC over at #win32 at for helping me solve this problem.

Glib had a test failure - only one on a new feature, so I did a force install.

Pango wasn't linking against the Cairo library, reporting several unresolved symbols:

Running Mkbootstrap for Pango ()
C:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e chmod -- 644
C:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Mksymlists \
     -e "Mksymlists('NAME'=>\"Pango\", 'DLBASE' => 'Pango', 'DL_FUNCS' => { Pang
o=>[] }, 'FUNCLIST' => [q[newSVPangoRectangle], q[SvPangoRectangle], q[gtk2perl_
pango_attribute_get_type], q[gtk2perl_pango_attribute_register_custom_type], q[g
tk2perl_pango_attr_iterator_get_type], q[gtk2perl_pango_layout_iter_get_type], q
[gtk2perl_pango_layout_line_get_type], q[gtk2perl_pango_script_iter_get_type]],
'IMPORTS' => {  }, 'DL_VARS' => []);"
dlltool --def Pango.def --output-exp dll.exp
[ LD blib\arch\auto\Pango\Pango.dll ]
xs/PangoCairo.o:PangoCairo.c:(.text+0xaa6): undefined reference to `cairo_refere
xs/PangoCairo.o:PangoCairo.c:(.text+0xf7d): undefined reference to `cairo_font_o
xs/PangoCairo.o:PangoCairo.c:(.text+0x2042): undefined reference to `cairo_scale
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
dmake.EXE:  Error code 129, while making 'blib\arch\auto\Pango\Pango.dll'
  C:\strawberry\c\bin\dmake.EXE -- NOT OK
Failed during this command:
 XAOC/Pango-1.223.tar.gz                      : make NO

I had to hack the Makefile for this one. I ran cpan interactively and did a 'make Pango', then 'look Pango' to drop into the build directory. I edited the Makefile, adding 'C:\GTK\lib\libcairo.dll.a' to the start of the list of libraries assigned to the EXTRALIBS and LDLOADLIBS variables, then ran 'dmake' and 'dmake test'. Note: 'dmake' not 'make'. I don't know what the difference is other than 'dmake' works and 'make' doesn't. Finally, with all tests run successfully, I installed with 'dmake install', then exited the sub-shell and cpan - all done with Pango.

Then the Perl Gtk2 module install failed:

dlltool --def Gtk2.def --output-exp dll.exp
[ LD blib\arch\auto\Gtk2\Gtk2.dll ]
xs/GtkPrintContext.o:GtkPrintContext.c:(.text+0x1542): undefined reference to `c
xs/GdkCairo.o:GdkCairo.c:(.text+0x6f2): undefined reference to `cairo_pattern_re
xs/GdkCairo.o:GdkCairo.c:(.text+0x8e3): undefined reference to `cairo_surface_re
xs/GdkCairo.o:GdkCairo.c:(.text+0x11ba): undefined reference to `cairo_rectangle
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
dmake.EXE:  Error code 129, while making 'blib\arch\auto\Gtk2\Gtk2.dll'
  C:\strawberry\c\bin\dmake.EXE -- NOT OK
Failed during this command:
 XAOC/Gtk2-1.242.tar.gz                       : make NO

This looks familiar. Again, interactive cpan, make then look and edit the Makefile to add C:\GTK\lib\libcairo.dll.a to EXTRALIBS and LDLOADLIBS, after which dmake ran to successful completion, but dmake test gave errors:

C:\strawberry\cpan\build\Gtk2-1.242-wKFYdS>dmake test
C:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0,
'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t
t/00.Gtk2.t ........................ 1/44 # Testing Gtk2 1.242
#    Running against gtk+ 2.24.10
#   Compiled against gtk+ 2.24.10
#               and pango 1.29.4
t/00.Gtk2.t ........................ ok
t/01.GtkWindow.t ................... ok
t/02.GtkContainer.t ................ ok
t/Gdk.t ............................ 1/17 Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_set_sm_client_id b
lub at t/Gdk.t line 62.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_set_sm_client_id NULL at t/Gdk.t line 63.
t/Gdk.t ............................ ok
t/GdkCairo.t ....................... ok
t/GdkColor.t ....................... 1/18 Gdk-WARNING **: gdkcolor-win32.c:110:
DeleteObject failed: The operation completed successfully..
t/GdkColor.t ....................... ok
t/GdkCursor.t ...................... ok
t/GdkDisplay.t ..................... 1/24 Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_display_get_defaul
t_group not yet implemented at t/GdkDisplay.t line 67.

#   Failed test at t/GdkDisplay.t line 77.
#          got: ''
#     expected: '1'
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 24.
t/GdkDisplay.t ..................... Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)

Failed 1/24 subtests
        (less 3 skipped subtests: 20 okay)
t/GdkDisplayManager.t .............. ok
t/GdkDnd.t ......................... ok
t/GdkDrawable.t .................... ok
t/GdkEvent.t ....................... ok
t/GdkGC.t .......................... ok
t/GdkImage.t .......................
t/GdkImage.t ....................... 1/23 #   Failed test 'get_image_type()'
#   at t/GdkImage.t line 10.
#          got: 'shared'
#     expected: 'normal'
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkcolor-win32.c:110: DeleteObject failed: The operation complet
ed successfully. at t/GdkImage.t line 56.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 23.
t/GdkImage.t ....................... Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)

Failed 1/23 subtests
t/GdkInput.t ....................... ok
t/GdkKeys.t ........................ ok
t/GdkPango.t ....................... ok
t/GdkPixbuf.t ...................... ok
t/GdkPixbufLoader.t ................ ok
t/GdkPixbufSimpleAnim.t ............ ok
t/GdkPixmap.t ...................... ok
t/GdkProperty.t .................... 1/49 Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_property_change:
assertion `type != GDK_TARGET_STRING' failed at t/GdkProperty.t line 38.
Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_property_change: assertion `type != GDK_TARGET_STRING' fail
ed at t/GdkProperty.t line 40.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_property_change: General case not implemented at t/GdkProper
ty.t line 42.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_property_change: General case not implemented at t/GdkProper
ty.t line 44.
t/GdkProperty.t .................... ok
t/GdkRegion.t ...................... ok
t/GdkRgb.t ......................... ok
t/GdkScreen.t ...................... ok
t/GdkSelection.t ................... ok
t/GdkVisual.t ...................... ok
t/GdkWindow.t ...................... 1/58 Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_window_set_group n
ot implemented at t/GdkWindow.t line 277.
Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_window_set_opacity: assertion `WINDOW_IS_TOPLEVEL (window)'
 failed at t/GdkWindow.t line 316.
t/GdkWindow.t ...................... ok
t/GdkX11.t ......................... ok
t/GtkAboutDialog.t ................. ok
t/GtkAccelGroup.t .................. ok
t/GtkAccelLabel.t .................. ok
t/GtkAccelMap.t .................... ok
t/GtkAction.t ...................... ok
t/GtkActionGroup.t ................. ok
t/GtkActivatable.t ................. ok
t/GtkAdjustment.t .................. ok
t/GtkAlignment.t ................... ok
t/GtkArrow.t ....................... ok
t/GtkAspectFrame.t ................. ok
t/GtkAssistant.t ................... ok
t/GtkBin.t ......................... ok
t/GtkBindings.t .................... ok
t/GtkBox.t ......................... ok
t/GtkBuildable.t ................... ok
t/GtkBuildableIface.t .............. ok
t/GtkBuilder.t ..................... ok
t/GtkButton.t ...................... ok
t/GtkButtonBox.t ................... ok
t/GtkCalendar.t .................... ok
t/GtkCellEditable.t ................ GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: Object class Edit
ableTest doesn't implement property 'editing-canceled' from interface 'GtkCellEd
itable' at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Glib/Object/ line 233.
t/GtkCellEditable.t ................ ok
t/GtkCellLayout.t .................. ok
t/GtkCellLayoutIface.t ............. ok
t/GtkCellRenderer.t ................ ok
t/GtkCellRendererAccel.t ........... ok
t/GtkCellRendererCombo.t ........... ok
t/GtkCellRendererIface-Chaining.t .. ok
t/GtkCellRendererPixbuf.t .......... ok
t/GtkCellRendererProgress.t ........ ok
t/GtkCellRendererSpin.t ............ ok
t/GtkCellRendererSpinner.t ......... ok
t/GtkCellRendererText.t ............ ok
t/GtkCellRendererToggle.t .......... ok
t/GtkCellView.t .................... ok
t/GtkCheckButton.t ................. ok
t/GtkCheckMenuItem.t ............... ok
t/GtkClipboard.t ................... ok
t/GtkColorButton.t ................. ok
t/GtkColorSelection.t .............. ok
t/GtkColorSelectionDialog.t ........ ok
t/GtkCombo.t ....................... ok
t/GtkComboBox.t .................... ok
t/GtkComboBoxEntry.t ............... ok
t/GtkCurve.t ....................... ok
t/GtkDialog.t ...................... 1/33 Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_box_reorder_child
: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (child)' failed at t/GtkDialog.t line 91.
Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_box_reorder_child: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (child)' failed
 at t/GtkDialog.t line 91.
Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_box_reorder_child: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (child)' failed
 at t/GtkDialog.t line 92.
Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_box_reorder_child: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (child)' failed
 at t/GtkDialog.t line 92.
Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_box_reorder_child: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (child)' failed
 at t/GtkDialog.t line 92.
Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_box_reorder_child: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (child)' failed
 at t/GtkDialog.t line 92.
t/GtkDialog.t ...................... ok
t/GtkDnd.t ......................... 1/6 Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_window_get_screen:
 assertion `GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed at t/GtkDnd.t line 55.
Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_drag_set_icon_pixmap: assertion `!mask || gdk_window_get_sc
reen (mask) == screen' failed at t/GtkDnd.t line 55.
Gtk-WARNING **: Could not find the icon 'gtk-add'. The 'hicolor' theme
was not found either, perhaps you need to install it.
You can get a copy from: at t/GtkDnd.t line 65.
Gtk-WARNING **: Cannot load drag icon from icon name gtk-add at t/GtkDnd.t line
t/GtkDnd.t ......................... ok
t/GtkDrawingArea.t ................. ok
t/GtkEditable.t .................... ok
t/GtkEntry.t ....................... ok
t/GtkEntryBuffer.t ................. ok
t/GtkEntryCompletion.t ............. ok
t/GtkEventBox.t .................... ok
t/GtkExpander.t .................... ok
t/GtkFileChooser.t ................. skipped: this test is unreliable
t/GtkFileChooserButton.t ........... ok
t/GtkFileChooserDialog.t ........... ok
t/GtkFileChooserWidget.t ........... ok
t/GtkFileFilter.t .................. ok
t/GtkFileSelection.t ............... ok
t/GtkFixed.t ....................... ok
t/GtkFontButton.t .................. ok
t/GtkFontSelection.t ............... ok
t/GtkFrame.t ....................... ok
t/GtkGammaCurve.t .................. ok
t/GtkGC.t .......................... ok
t/GtkHandleBox.t ................... ok
t/GtkHBox.t ........................ ok
t/GtkHButtonBox.t .................. ok
t/GtkHPaned.t ...................... ok
t/GtkHRuler.t ...................... ok
t/GtkHScale.t ...................... ok
t/GtkHScrollbar.t .................. ok
t/GtkHSeparator.t .................. ok
t/GtkHSV.t ......................... ok
t/GtkIconFactory.t ................. ok
t/GtkIconTheme.t ................... 1/17 Gtk-WARNING **: Could not find the ico
n 'stock_edit'. The 'hicolor' theme
was not found either, perhaps you need to install it.
You can get a copy from: at t/GtkIconTheme.t line 26.
t/GtkIconTheme.t ................... ok
t/GtkIconView.t .................... ok
t/GtkImage.t ....................... ok
t/GtkImageMenuItem.t ............... ok
t/GtkIMContext.t ................... ok
t/GtkInfoBar.t ..................... ok
t/GtkInputDialog.t ................. ok
t/GtkInvisible.t ................... ok
t/GtkItemFactory.t ................. ok
t/GtkLabel.t ....................... ok
t/GtkLayout.t ...................... ok
t/GtkLinkButton.t .................. ok
t/GtkListStore.t ................... ok
t/GtkMenu.t ........................ ok
t/GtkMenuBar.t ..................... ok
t/GtkMenuItem.t .................... ok
t/GtkMenuShell.t ................... ok
t/GtkMenuToolButton.t .............. ok
t/GtkMessageDialog.t ............... ok
t/GtkMisc.t ........................ ok
t/GtkNotebook.t .................... ok
t/GtkObject.t ...................... ok
t/GtkOffscreenWindow.t ............. ok
t/GtkOptionMenu.t .................. ok
t/GtkOrientable.t .................. ok
t/GtkPageSetup.t ................... ok
t/GtkPaned.t ....................... ok
t/GtkPaperSize.t ................... ok
t/GtkPrintContext.t ................ ok
t/GtkPrintOperation.t .............. ok
t/GtkPrintOperationPreview.t ....... ok
t/GtkPrintSettings.t ............... ok
t/GtkProgressBar.t ................. ok
t/GtkRadioAction.t ................. ok
t/GtkRadioButton.t ................. ok
t/GtkRadioMenuItem.t ............... ok
t/GtkRadioToolButton.t ............. ok
t/GtkRange.t ....................... ok
t/GtkRc.t .......................... ok
t/GtkRecentAction.t ................ ok
t/GtkRecentChooser.t ............... ok
t/GtkRecentChooserDialog.t ......... ok
t/GtkRecentChooserMenu.t ........... ok
t/GtkRecentChooserWidget.t ......... ok
t/GtkRecentFilter.t ................ ok
t/GtkRecentManager.t ............... 1/36 Gtk-WARNING **: Could not find the ico
n 'stock_edit'. The 'hicolor' theme
was not found either, perhaps you need to install it.
You can get a copy from: at t/GtkRecentManager.t line
t/GtkRecentManager.t ............... ok
t/GtkRuler.t ....................... ok
t/GtkScale.t ....................... ok
t/GtkScaleButton.t ................. ok
t/GtkScrolledWindow.t .............. ok
t/GtkSelection.t ................... ok
t/GtkSeparatorMenuItem.t ........... ok
t/GtkSeparatorToolItem.t ........... ok
t/GtkShow.t ........................ skipped: can only test interactively
t/GtkSimpleList.t .................. ok
t/GtkSimpleMenu.t .................. ok
t/GtkSizeGroup.t ................... ok
t/GtkSocket-GtkPlug.t .............. skipped: not appliciable on win32
t/GtkSpinButton.t .................. ok
t/GtkSpinner.t ..................... ok
t/GtkStatusbar.t ................... ok
t/GtkStatusIcon.t .................. 1/37 Gtk-WARNING **: Could not find the ico
n 'stock_edit'. The 'hicolor' theme
was not found either, perhaps you need to install it.
You can get a copy from: at t/GtkStatusIcon.t line 60.

t/GtkStatusIcon.t .................. ok
t/GtkStock.t ....................... ok
t/GtkStyle.t ....................... 1/125 Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:6
41: SelectObject failed: The operation completed successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t l
ine 77.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:644: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 77.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:711: MaskBlt failed: The operation completed
 successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 77.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:714: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 77.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:715: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 77.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:641: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 78.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:644: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 78.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:711: MaskBlt failed: The operation completed
 successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 78.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:714: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 78.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:715: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 78.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:641: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 81.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:644: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 81.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:711: MaskBlt failed: The operation completed
 successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 81.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:714: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 81.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:715: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 81.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:641: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 82.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:644: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 82.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:711: MaskBlt failed: The operation completed
 successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 82.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:714: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 82.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:715: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 82.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:641: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 84.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:644: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 84.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:711: MaskBlt failed: The operation completed
 successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 84.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:714: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 84.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:715: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 84.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:641: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 90.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:644: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 90.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:711: MaskBlt failed: The operation completed
 successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 90.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:714: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 90.
Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-win32.c:715: SelectObject failed: The operation comp
leted successfully. at t/GtkStyle.t line 90.
t/GtkStyle.t ....................... ok
t/GtkTable.t ....................... ok
t/GtkTearoffMenuItem.t ............. ok
t/GtkTextBuffer.t .................. ok
t/GtkTextBufferRichText.t .......... ok
t/GtkTextChildAnchor.t ............. ok
t/GtkTextIter.t .................... ok
t/GtkTextMark.t .................... ok
t/GtkTextTag.t ..................... ok
t/GtkTextTagTable.t ................ ok
t/GtkTextView.t .................... ok
t/GtkToggleAction.t ................ ok
t/GtkToggleButton.t ................ ok
t/GtkToggleToolButton.t ............ ok
t/GtkToolbar.t ..................... ok
t/GtkToolButton.t .................. ok
t/GtkToolItem.t .................... ok
t/GtkToolItemGroup.t ............... ok
t/GtkToolPalette.t ................. ok
t/GtkToolShell.t ................... ok
t/GtkTooltip.t ..................... ok
t/GtkTooltips.t .................... ok
t/GtkTreeDnd.t ..................... ok
t/GtkTreeModel.t ................... ok
t/GtkTreeModelFilter.t ............. ok
t/GtkTreeModelIface.t .............. ok
t/GtkTreeModelSort.t ............... ok
t/GtkTreeSelection.t ............... ok
t/GtkTreeSortable.t ................ ok
t/GtkTreeStore.t ................... ok
t/GtkTreeView-Dnd.t ................ skipped: this test is interactive
t/GtkTreeView.t .................... ok
t/GtkUIManager.t ................... ok
t/GtkVBox.t ........................ ok
t/GtkVButtonBox.t .................. ok
t/GtkViewport.t .................... ok
t/GtkVolumeButton.t ................ ok
t/GtkVPaned.t ...................... ok
t/GtkVRuler.t ...................... ok
t/GtkVScale.t ...................... ok
t/GtkVScrollbar.t .................. ok
t/GtkVSeparator.t .................. ok
t/GtkWidget.t ...................... ok
t/pango-compat.t ................... ok
t/PangoAttributes.t ................ ok
t/PangoCairo.t ..................... ok
t/PangoContext.t ................... ok
t/PangoFont.t ...................... ok
t/PangoFontMap.t ................... ok
t/PangoFontset.t ................... ok
t/PangoGravity.t ................... ok
t/PangoLayout.t .................... ok
t/PangoMatrix.t .................... ok
t/PangoRenderer.t .................. ok
t/PangoScript.t .................... ok
t/PangoTabs.t ...................... ok
t/PangoTypes.t ..................... ok
t/set-scroll-adjustments-signal.t .. ok
t/signal-chaining.t ................ ok
t/tied-objects.t ................... ok
t/version-checks.t ................. ok

Test Summary Report
t/GdkDisplay.t                   (Wstat: 256 Tests: 24 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  20
  Non-zero exit status: 1
t/GdkImage.t                     (Wstat: 256 Tests: 23 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  1
  Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=229, Tests=5068, 43 wallclock secs ( 2.86 usr +  0.72 sys =  3.57 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 2/229 test programs. 2/5068 subtests failed.
dmake:  Error code 255, while making 'test_dynamic'
There were only two failures reported (but several suspicous messages along the way). I don't know how to solve them and found nothing in a brief perusal of Google search results, so I installed anyway and hope for the best.

After all this, I ran and the GUI came up!! Now all I have to do is get it to make some noise!!

I loaded up my music library with no obvious problem, but when I tried to play a track nothing happened (or maybe there was an error, I foget exactly what happened). The problem was that there was no audio configured or, more correctly, icecast server was configured and nothing else available.

I installed mpg123. There is a windows binary available. I got the 32bit binary and put it in C:\Program Files (x86)\mpg123, then added this folder to the path environment variable. I was then able to play mp3 files with mpg123, so expect gmusicbrowser can too. I started it up and checked the audio settings but mpg123/ogg123/flac123 was still greyed out. Then I noticed that it is mpg321 NOT mpg123. I didn't find an mpg321 binary for windows, so I had a look at how to get gmusicbrowser to run mpg123. seems to be the relevant file. I added 'mpg123' as a command for mp3 files in %cmdname. Tried again and no luck. Then I changed the path separator in the init sub from ':' to ';' (only a quick and dirty to test - need a better solution than this), and tried again. The mpg321/ogg123/flac123 was now available.

So, I selected the mpg321/ogg123/flac123 audio device and tried to play a track, but it reported that it couldn't. So, down in sub Play I added a branch for mpg123, and finally was able to play a track.

But, while the track played the gmusicbrowser GUI was not responding. And when the track finished perl crashed (so says Windows). So, there are more puzzles to solve...